About Us

Where thought goes, energy flows.
Change your inner world, and you change your outer world.
This is the bedrock for all we do.

Being firm believers in the synchronistic, intelligent flow of life, we were fortunate to meet in a bathroom in Memphis, TN...during a week-long Gong Master Class in October of 2014
Gabriela had flown in from Mexico City, while Marian had arrived in his VW beetle from Chicago, IL. Unbeknownst to us at that time, this week was to mark one of those pivotal moments in life.
Here is our story…

Gaby grew up in Mexico City, as the 7th child of a beautiful couple who was eager to develop a happy family in which everyone would receive the necessary tools and support for life. Her dad always instilled a very special love for Mexico, its culture, history, traditions, gastronomy, music, art, and ancestral philosophy in his children. But as she grew up, Gabriela witnessed culturally embedded traits of abuse at different social levels, specifically aimed towards vulnerable populations such as women and children.
Finding herself with many of these traits later in her marriage, she wanted to discover ways to counteract these same traits for the sake of herself and her children. Through her own firsthand experiences she heightened her awareness and sensitivity for other women and children who were victims of psychological and physical abuse. For years to follow, Gabriela sought to understand and find effective ways to provide solutions to this starkly prevailing problem in society…
Since a deeply embedded cultural trait such as abuse cannot simply be wiped off the table, it took 10 years of marriage for her to discover that the only real solution was to consciously decide to choose a different path. She separated and her divorce proceedings stretched over three years. During these it became clear to her that even the judiciary system cannot correct the deeply engrained patterns of an abuser.
Reinforced by this experience her resolution to generate a change in society was set. Thus, her very first step in helping these vulnerable groups and creating societal changes was to acquire a deep understanding from the very root of the problem. Which includes the impacts that history, and institutions such as family, religions, and school have on people's mentality, and how they traditionally reinforce and fuel abusive as well as fear driven behaviors.
Through her studies and research, it became clear to her that the only real and sustained change needs to occur deep within the unconscious mind of the abused and the abuser. These conclusions were the result of analysis and journey through master’s degrees in Arts, History, Comparative Religions, and Integral Psychology. While obtaining her initial bachelor's degree in communication, she acquired certifications as a Life Coach, as well as additional tools for spiritual healing and reconnection through meditation and Human and Universal Energy (HUE).
Fueled by her deep interest in helping people free themselves from mental oppression and to live with dignity and respect, gave her the strength and perseverance to seek and generate opportunities in mass media where she openly spoke and addressed social issues that were asking for solutions and support.
Her impassioned perseverance gave birth to "Un Minuto para Ti", her entire campaign on TV, radio and weekly newspaper column. The positive resonance and response from her audiences encouraged her to continue motivating people to take responsibility for their well-being on national television programs in Mexico City moderated by her for nearly two decades in broadcasting corporations such as cultural Channel 11, Televisa Toluca, TV Mexiquense, TV Formula, DGTVE, and the art and cultural program on national television Channel 22.
The collection of these experiences led to the publication of her book "Un Minuto para Ti" in 2008. Her desire to work directly with communities lead her to collaborate with the Federal Ministry of Health in 2011 directing the strategy "Health Ambassadors in Social Media", as well as other projects related to public health and children’s well-being. At the same time, she actively participated with the Carlos Slim Foundation as a provider of conferences and workshops for employees and their families. And later on, as she was determined to share the best of her knowledge and experience in Psychology, Mindfulness and Life-coaching, she created her online courses called "Mindfulness for You" for individuals and corporations, in both: English and Spanish; as well as her deeply healing Guided Meditations with sound-baths also in English and Spanish.
Isn’t it remarkable how all of the above would have lead Gabriela to our midnight chance meeting in the Memphis bathroom…?
Meanwhile…in Bratislava, Czechoslovakia on a sunny afternoon in August of 1968, Marian and his 2 year old sister were playing joyfully in a sandbox outside of the high rise they lived in. Called to come upstairs, their mother greeted them with two packed suitcases, only for all three to find themselves on their way to Vienna, Austria on a bus shortly thereafter. Three days later the borders were shut closed behind the Iron Curtain, and after living in a refugee camp for several weeks, they eventually made their way to West Germany.
Having been uprooted from his friends, family and the known environment in an instant, left deep marks which took many years to unravel and integrate. Witnessing the Russian military invasion of his country of birth known as “Prague Spring”, coupled with the oppression and “normality” of lack and scarcity a communist regime instills, formed persistent psychological grooves and distinct belief systems at a very young age…
During the gradual integration into the West German lifestyle and society, a pronounced sense of “not belonging”, grew progressively stronger in him. Living in a society which freely embraces and promotes alcoholic consumption, drinking became a welcome and convenient “crutch” during Marian's teenage years. Fueled by his curiosity, the progression to explore other soothing “eraser substances” seemed inevitable.
Several years after obtaining an industrial business degree and working for a large German conglomerate, Marian’s sense for adventure prompted him to apply for a transfer to the company's United States subsidiary in Chicago, IL in 1985.
Developing an undeniable dependency on alcohol over the years in order to function and cope with the multitude of challenges life inevitably presents, it became crystal clear to him that a lifestyle change was necessary. The dictum “If nothing changes, nothing changes” as well as “Straight and narrow is the path….waste no time”, became his mantras, and in 1990 a 12-step recovery program proved to be a life saver for him, paving the path to continuous sobriety since.
Having made this conscious choice, he embarked on a lasting inner journey and pursuit of a metaphysical path to discover "what makes him tick, and what does not make him tick". Being a hobby photographer, during his soul searching moments, he would repeatedly hear a small inner voice telling him ”you have to do something with your photography…”. Eventually he jumped ship in 1999, left his corporate career of 20 years, and followed his inner voice to embrace the art of visual storytelling as a full time commercial and fine art photographer.
Being a long time hand drummer, he then went on to expand his creative repertoire by expressing images also through the powerful vehicle of gong sounds in 2011. Driven by his own process of inner awakening and ongoing personal transformation, Marian wanted to motivate and assist others to raise their awareness, and recognize their freedom to making positive choices and changes in their lives. This lead him to establish 'Gong Sound Healing' in 2012…and also paved his path to the midnight meeting in said Memphis bathroom three years later.
Our path together
As you can surmise by now, the Gong Master Class workshop in Memphis, TN provided by the legendary Don Conreaux proved to highlight and reflect the powerful concept of resonance at its absolute purest for us. During one of our first dates in Mexico we drew out a detailed ‘napkin sketch’ of what we envisioned our endeavor to be and look like, and shortly thereafter 'Delamora Transformational Experiences' was born. We were married 1 year later and Gabriela and her (then) two teenage children moved to Chicago where we all embarked on a new adventure while facing a myriad of continuous opportunities for inner growth and expansion.
Recognizing and overcoming our personal obstacles and maneuvering through the integration of four very different countries and cultures, coupled with ongoing deep inner work and studies in metaphysics and psychology which had begun for both of us decades ago, drives us in helping others to realize and harness their own potential for inner fulfillment and success. By continuously applying contemplative studies and practices, personal inner growth and awakening positively impacts and contributes to the overall good of all of humanity.
We celebrate life, cherish the music it provides and are eternally grateful to be part of the universal symphony, both as listeners and contributors. We wholeheartedly believe in universal synchronicity and the power of intention and visualization.
By sharing the revelations and findings gathered along our own individual and combined journeys, we hope to encourage and motivate participants of our events and offerings to embrace and practice positive personal change, while adding to the ripple effect. We invite you to join our community and mission in collectively raising the vibrational frequency of the planet we all live on. Inner peace and fulfillment begin with aligning the heart / mind connection and radiate out from within. Be the light.
Dreams do become reality
This is the sacred site where we sealed our engagement, right between the Sun and Moon pyramids at Teotihuacan, Mexico. If you have any doubt about the power of your mind and thoughts, or about how we all create our own realities, we invite you to read the story about our engagement ring we lost on a beach of Lake Michigan…

“Life is a song. It has its own rhythm of harmony. It is a symphony of all things which exist in major and minor keys of Polarity. It blends the discords, by opposites, into harmony which unites the whole into a grand symphony of life. To learn through experience in this life, to appreciate the symphony and lessons of life and to blend with the whole, is the object of our being here.”
— Dr. Randolph Stone

Our sound based path is part of a journey that reveals ancient wisdom residing in each of us.
We share elements that continue to fuel our own inner transformation. They are heartfelt and intended to benefit your evolution by living in the present.
Releasing debilitating tendencies leads each of us to compassionate empowerment and liberation of others.
Our values and mission encompass:
Inspiration | Awareness | Empowerment
Trust | Honesty | Authenticity
Creative inner transformation
Compassionate value driven service
Building community
Ecologically mindful expansion & innovation
Above all...Love

See and hear
Peruse visuals of our guided meditation presentations & sound therapy events. Being fully experiential, no video or photo can properly describe what occurs within during one of our transformative events. It needs to be felt….
A brief interview with Marian on gong baths and aspects of sound therapy (before he met Gabriela). View the full documentary here, or on Gaia
On average about 65 % of our thoughts are redundant, self-sabotaging or negative…why not change it?
Recorded at the ancient ruins of Teotihuacan, Mexico, this video shows the beneficial aspects of sound therapy for corporation
Members of the medical profession after experiencing Gaby and Marian’s sound based meditation, are saying...
The forward thinking approach of Urban Outfitters in honoring their national leadership team, hosted in Chicago, IL
Recorded during a Finsol Financiera corporate event at the ancient ruins of Teotihuacan in Mexico with over 90 in attendance
WE ALL JUST NEED TO GONG! is an Award Winning fascinating full feature movie about the scientifically proven healing power of “Vibrational Medicine”, the Gong. It features over 40 Gong professionals and enthusiasts from 16 countries.
Gabriela as ambassador of health, awareness and balance in her 17 years on various national TV programs

Gaby and five gongs

Sound bath event at The Port in Frankfort, IL

Sound bath at the awesome 105f studio in Wicker Park, Chicago, IL

Sound journey at Chicago's 105f studio at Dearborn Station

At the awesomely unique and precious Yoga Among Friends in Downers Grove, IL

Sound meditation event at the Burbank School District for 70 teachers and admin staff

Sound bath journey for 62 people at LifeTime in Oak Brook, IL

Deep relaxation and replenishment during a soundbath at Pulsation Yoga in Crystal Lake, IL

Destination Yoga soundbath event in Grand Park, IL

Gong bath at the Chi Yoga Shack in Chicago, IL

An overnight sound bath at Prana Yoga's awesome Himalayan crystal salt room

Deep inner reflection at the Theosophical Society in America in Wheaton, IL

Gaby and Marian during the early section of the guided meditation at the Theosophical Society in America in Wheaton, IL

With the wonderful Dr. Larry Dossey at an event in honor of Ervin László

Corporate sound bath presentation to managers of Smalley

North Shore Healing Center sound bath in Chicago, IL

After a sound bath event in Queretaro, Mexico

With Dr. Eben Alexander and Karen Newell at the Theosophical Society of America

Gabriela presenting elements of pathways to deeper awareness at a workshop at Yogaview

The legendary Don Conreaux, Mitch Nur PhD., and Richard Rudis

A group sound bath meditation at Hostal de la Luz in Tepoztlan, Mexico

With Jens Zygar, co-creator of the Paiste Planetary gongs

Our presentation at the 2017 GRMA summit for Fortune 500 executives

With the remarkable 'Supermensch' Shep Gordon

With the legendary Michael Bettine

Labor Solutions managers after a corporate mindfulness event

A recharge gong bath meditation for teachers and admin personnel of the Burbank School District

During a corporate event for Finsol Financiera in Teotihuacan, Mexico

During the BrainTap summit, a sound bath meditation for health practitioners

A mindfulness presentation at a Vistage group meeting

A sound bath meditation event for patients and relatives at the Shriners Hospitals for Children

Participants after an 'Overnight Awakenings" sound immersion

A sound bath relaxation at the Living Well Cancer Center

After a gong bath meditation geared for teachers at a school in the Chicago area

In person group sound bath event

Private sound healing for a couple on a Lake Superior beach

Deeply relaxed participants of a group event

Our sound bath for managers of Urban Outfitters

Before the very first gong bath in Mexico City

A sound journey at the Theosophical Society in America

An event for Dr. Warren Weissman

One of the first overnight gong bath events at Prana Yoga

Group photo after overnight sound bath in Chicago

One of the first overnight gong bath events at Prana Yoga

One of the first overnight gong bath events at Prana Yoga

Group photo after overnight gong bath event at Prana Yoga

Corporate sound bath and mindfulness presentation at Labor Solutions with Prof. Jeff Sucec

In Kathmandu, Nepal...where do you even begin selecting the 'right' singing bowl...?

Group photo after overnight sound bath at Yogaview

At a mindfulness and relaxation event at the Carlos Slim foundation in Mexico City

Gaby and the 40" gong

Sound bath event at a women's retreat

Group photo after overnight sound bath at Yogaview

At a mindfulness and relaxation event at the Carlos Slim foundation in Mexico City

Gaby during an overnight sound bath

The integration on the morning after an overnight sound bath at Prana Yoga's awesome Himalayan crystal salt room

Group photo after overnight sound bath

Group photo after sound bath meditation in Queretaro, Mexico

Full house during our meditative sound journey at the Theosophical Society

Full house during a meditative sound journey at Pulsation Yoga in Lake Zurich, IL

Sound bath meditation with gongs, didgeridoo, handpan and more at the Theosophical Society in America, Wheaton, IL

Nurture + Wellness + Mindful Awareness = Balance
A deeper transformation continued to occur within her when her sister passed away and a new life began when she moved to the United States. Here she re-ignited her interest in providing group sessions for women, which allowed her to develop a 30-session program called “Mindfulness for You”, in both English and Spanish.
In the historic 2019 (COVID year) her contribution to humanity was to give 2 weekly live sessions online (in English and Spanish) as a free service for people to overcome stress, anxiety and depression triggered by this unprecedented global phenomenon. Her intention was to provide a timeless space for relaxation, balance, and emotional healing so that anyone in need could receive it.
This virtual approach to help people free themselves from the negative effects of psychological entrapment on their health and social well-being, lead her to develop online courses with transformative experiences directly addressing the unconscious: the only place where a real and lasting change is created. People could generate inner peace, harmony, and healing from the convenience and safety of their homes, at their own pace and time.
Companies from both the United States and Mexico were the first interested in these virtual programs due to the positive and clear effect on their employees who were debilitated in their well-being, creativity, and productivity due to the high levels of stress and anxiety they were facing.
Her passion and mission are to empower people through tools and methods to free themselves from psychological and emotional traps and thus be able to fully live the life they deserve to live.
Gabriela’s clients heal from their core by reconnecting with their consciousness, while retraining mind and body, in connection with their true Self and dreams, thus taking unique evolutionary steps both personally and professionally.
Anyone who has been through a tough childhood or adulthood and wants to break free from psychological and emotional entrapment has an open door to change at her website www.gabydelamora.com
Born in former communist ruled Czechoslovakia and emigrated to “West” Germany, Marian has been enthralled with nature and the inherent order of the Universe from a very young age. This fascination fuels his drive to express beauty and harmony through light and sound.
As a result of embarking on a lasting inner journey and pursuit of a metaphysical path to find out about his “inner workings", he eventually left his 20 year sales and marketing career and began a new life segment as an artist, fine art photographer, professional commercial photographer and video creator.
Being a long time hand drummer, he connected with the healing properties of sound expanded. After studies within the field of sound therapy he widened his creative repertoire by expressing images also through the powerful vehicle of gongs and other sound tools.
Marian possesses a heightened sensitivity, appreciation and awareness to the process of inner growth and personal transformation. His inimitable keen sense of visual, aesthetic and intuitive perception as well as innate rhythmic hand drum abilities creatively contribute to the transformative and meditative Delamora sound excursions, experiences and various offerings. His extensive career in international business benefits the multitude of commercial aspects the couple’s endeavors present.
He published his first book "Inspirationals" and is an associate member of the Harmonic Therapy Association, the Sound Healers Association, and licensed PSYCH-K® facilitator. He received his Gong Master certification from the legendary Don Conreaux, and studied extensively with senior instructor, lecturer and teacher Mitch Nur, PhD of 9waysacademia.
Having discovered the racquet sport of squash in 1979, he has been an avid player since. In 2005, the year his daughter Stella was born, he was the Illinois State Squash Champion. Spring Forest Qigong, walks in nature and meditation are part of his non negotiable daily practice.
Each Delamora event is a psycho acoustic gateway to higher states of awareness and consciousness and emotional hygiene in action.
All Delamora Experiences present space for inner healing and expansion into the field of human potential development. Gabriela and Marian's sound therapy sessions authentically show the benefits of mindfulness, and openings to reduce chronic stress while raising consciousness and awareness. They utilize their time between the greater Chicago as well as Mexico City areas. As of 2020 they began reaching a broader audience also in the virtual domain.
To share a small portion of their philosophies and in their own words: “del amor a” = “from the love to...” = our methods and experiences arise from a “deep love and compassion towards the Being". That said, all presentations are intended to encourage and support individuals & communities in their evolution and personal transformation and to awaken and identify their own dreams and goals in life. The sound based meditations provide effective paths to pursue and materialize them.
“De la Mora” also means: of the Mulberry – a fruit that nourishes, rich in healing properties, its red color symbolizing passion, vitality and strength. It originates from a seed and reaches the moment of “harvest” at its most abundant and perfect point of ripeness.
As most elements in nature, humans included, it undergoes a transformational process throughout its evolution…
Intention + Vibration = Healing
And then of course, let us not forget the best medicine of all, LAUGHTER…
Enjoy watching this blooper reel. You can see the final version here